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Thank you for your interest in helping out the PFC! If you have time, consider joining a committee. Below is a list of committees and activities we've needed help with in the past. If one of these sounds interesting to you, please let us know.  


PFC Board: Help plan and coordinate committees for events and fundraisers. 


Book Fair: Coordinate, market, and run the biannual Book Fair.


Box Tops: Coordinate with company to receive proceeds and supplies for school. Consider incentive programs to increase participation. 


Boy Scouts: Coordinate Boy Scouts at Orchard Lane.


Chess Club: Coordinate lessons, volunteers, and tournaments as desired. 


Christmas Cookies for Staff: Coordinate cookie donation for staff before winter break. 


Fall Family Social/Trunk or Treat: Plan a festive fall social event for Orchard Lane families. 


Girl Scouts: Coordinate Girl Scouts at Orchard Lane


High Interest Day: Plan and execute a day devoted to hands-on learning activities for all grades. Recruit volunteers and donations as needed. 


Hot Dog Day: Coordinate food with district food service. Recruit volunteers/donations. 


Journey into the Arts: Coordinate a project or experience to expose students to the arts focusing on physical, musical, theatrical, literacy, or visual media. 


Kindergarten Play Date: Coordinate play date with school and supply snacks. 


Lock In: Organize activities and parent volunteers for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade lock-in. Be available that day for set up until clean up. 


Movie Nights: Plan two movie nights. Include flyer with newsletter. Coordinate concessions and volunteers. 


Music Recital: Recital for all students. Coordinate and execute event in early spring. 


Playground Equipment: Coordinate, order, and track all playground equipment. Check equipment four to five times per year. 


Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser: Facilitate monthly sales. Order and distribute cards. 


Reading is Cool: Coordinate with school and solicit businesses for donations. 


Restaurant Nights: Set up monthly restaurant nights with area restaurants. 


Sixth Grade Celebration: Plan and coordinate the sixth grade moving on celebrations. 


Spirit Wear: Select spirit wear, sale dates, take orders, and distribute.


Staff Appreciation: Coordinate lunch for staff. Recruit donations and volunteers as needed.


Yearbook: Ensure picture day is scheduled. Schedule photo company's five days of photos including retake/club picture day. Layout candid pages, distribute order forms, and act as liaison between OL and the photo company.  


Don't have time to volunteer right now? We understand.


If you can, we'd still love to see you at some of our activities. Join us at trunk-or-treat, swing by a restaurant night for dinner, or find your next great read at the Book Fair. Every small donation counts. And every event attended helps to create memories and a vibrant school community.   

Volunteer for the PFC
Yes, I'm interested!

Thank you for considering us. You rock!

Orchard Lane Parent Faculty Council: Supporting Our Stars

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