From offering practical help to supporting special events to boosting teachers' morale, parents can make a big impact on a school community. Here are some ways you can support Orchard Lane.
Keep Up with School News
Visit the school website, check out the calendar and announcements, and read the Orchard Lane weekly e-newsletter. If you use social media, consider following both Orchard Lane and the PFC Parent Group on Facebook. Don't forget to read grade reports and other announcements on Infinite campus. And sign up for the Konstella app for more information and reminders at your fingertips.
Support your Child's Teacher
Attend Meet the Teacher night and then keep in touch throughout the school year. Read classroom newsletters, emails, and notes that come home. Attend parent-teacher conferences. Make sure your child completes and returns homework. And keep your child's teacher up to date about anything noteworthy involving your child or any questions or concerns you might have.
Attend School and PFC Sponsored Events
Try attending at least a few events each school year. This could be an open house, seasonal celebration, restaurant night, book fair, or any other school or PFC sponsored activity. If you can spare the time to attend events, your family may feel more connected to the Orchard Lane community (and you just might enjoy yourselves)!
Many of us work full time and find it difficult to take time off during the school day. Others have more flexible schedules. If you're able and willing, please volunteer. Some volunteer positions are ongoing, while others may be one-time opportunities, meaning you only need to clear your schedule for a few hours once a year.
Show Your Appreciation
If you think teachers are remarkable, tell them! Send your child's teacher a note of thanks. Even better if the thank you note comes from your child. While you're at it, don't forget to thank the other important people your child interacts with at school, including specials teachers, school lunch servers, custodians, bus drivers, librarians, and other staff. They all work hard to educate (transport, care for, feed, support, encourage, and clean up after) our children. If you happen to have some extra funds, you might buy a "favorite thing" teacher gift, extra classroom supplies, or donate food or other items to our staff appreciation days each year.