PFC stands for Parent Faculty Council, an organization often known as PTA at other schools. The Parent Faculty Council supports the Orchard Lane community by planning and organizing events and fundraisers. These events provide educational, fun, and memorable activities to every Orchard Lane student, both in and out of the classroom.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kinds of activities does the PFC fund?
Events may change year to year. Here's a list of events we've funded in the past:
Battle of the Books
Breakfast with Santa
Cookies and Coffee for Staff
David Stokes Assemblies (1st and 3rd grade)
Fall Family Social or Trunk or Treat
First Stage (2nd grade)
High Interest Day
Hot Dog Day
Journey Into the Arts
Lock-In (4th, 5th, 6th grades)
Maker Spaces
Playground Equipment
Reading is Cool
School Play
Sixth Grade Moving On Activities
Spirit Wear
Staff Appreciation
Fall Fundraiser (Star Trek/Kindness)
Student Council
Talent Show and Piano Recital
Zoo Classes (Kindergarten)
How does the PFC raise money for activities?
Some of our popular fundraisers include Scholastic book fairs, Box Tops for Education, restaurant dine-out nights, gift cards, and spirit wear sales.
How does the PFC make all this happen?
We could not provide these programs and events without the support of you and all the rest of our parent volunteers. Thank you all for contributing to our success.
How can I get involved?
You can volunteer to help a committee, become a committee chairperson, participate in fun events each year, or make a donation. Email olpfcpresident@gmail.com if you would like to volunteer for something specific or are willing to help out wherever we need you most. We love welcoming newcomers.
How does the PFC communicate with parents?
You will find much PFC-related information right here on our website. We will also send out reminders in the weekly school email newsletters -- so be sure you're reading those regularly. We recommend downloading the Konstella app for additional reminders, planning, and messaging. And those of you on social media can follow us on Facebook on the Orchard Lane PFC Parent Group.

PFC Board (2024-2025)
Robyn Freville
Shannon Wysocki
Sonja Glascock
Katie Hammerling