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Our school administrators spend their budgets carefully. Still, sometimes there's just not enough money to go around. Because of this, we raise money to supplement the school budget and support additional programs for our students and staff. 


There are many ways you can help. You (and your family members, friends, generous neighbors, and community businesses) are always welcome to make a direct donation to the PFC. We are incredibly grateful for direct donations of any size.


We also run a number of fundraisers throughout the school year. You might take care of dinner by attending one of our Restaurant Nights. Stock up on books at a Scholastic Book Fair. Or buy gift cards to local stores you'd shop at anyway through our Raise Right Gift Card program. 


Ongoing Fundraising

See below for details about how you can help us all year through with the following:


  • Direct Donations

  • Amazon Smile

  • Box Tops for Education

  • Raise Right Gift Cards

Direct Donations

We gratefully accept donations of all sizes at any time of year. Hand us cash or write a check. You might also purchase and donate needed items such as food for Teacher Appreciation Day luncheons. Please contact our PFC presidents at if you are interested in purchasing and donating items to the school. We can let you know what needs we have this year. 


Amazon Smile

If you already use Amazon, shopping with Amazon Smile is an easy way to donate to Orchard Lane. 


  • Go to to get started.

  • Log in.

  • Choose Orchard Lane Parent Faculty Council as your charity.

  • From then on, go to and shop as usual.

  • A portion of your spending (0.5%) on eligible purchases comes back to Orchard Lane.


Box Tops for Education

Box Tops for Education now runs completely through an app so no need to clip cardboard packaging or keep track of products.


  • Download the Box Tops for Education app on Google Play or iPhone.

  • Grocery shop as you normally would.

  • Scan your receipt within 14 days of purchase.

  • The app automatically identifies Box Top products and credits our account.


Raise Right Gift Cards

With the Raise Right gift card program, you buy gift cards at face value while earning money for Orchard Lane. Each company offers a percentage back for every gift card you buy. For example, if you buy a $100 Pick-N-Save gift card, you pay $100 and the school earns $4. 


This is an easy way to earn money for Orchard Lane spending money you would have spent anyway.  Cards can be sent home with your child or picked up in the office. You can order gift cards through school, online, or through the Raise Right app.





Ordering Gift Cards through School

  • Complete the Family Order Form.

  • Return it to school with your check payable to Orchard Lane PFC.


Ordering Gift Cards Online

  • Go to Earning

  • Enter enrollment code: 19BD386A26862

  • Please note a fee may be charged for online or app transactions




We often have gift cards available for sale at functions throughout the year. Cards may be in stock if you need something quickly. 


Gift cards will be sent home with your child unless you specify otherwise. 


Orchard Lane PFC will earn a percentage from all orders. You can see the specific vendor amounts on the order form and your receipt will record your contribution. 




Orchard Lane Parent Faculty Council: Supporting Our Stars

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